
Things to Keep in Mind When Traveling from Canada to a Non-Legal State

The legalization movement keeps pushing forward at a fast pace, and it’s clear at this point that adopting marijuana as a legal substance is only a matter of time for most of the world. Even some US states that were considered too conservative for this kind of transformation have been very successful at introducing legal marijuana. And even though progress is occasionally slow, the important thing is that we’re at least seeing a lot of effort in the right direction.

However, when traveling to the US for the first time, it’s easy to get confused over where you are and aren’t allowed to smoke marijuana. If you don’t want any unpleasant surprises, take the time to familiarize yourself with the laws of the state you’re traveling to, and make sure you respect them.

Don’t Bring Anything Illegal with You

This should go without even saying for anyone with common sense. Make sure that you don’t bring any marijuana with you. This even applies when traveling to a legal state! Marijuana may be legal on a state level in many places, but federal law still prohibits it, and that includes crossing the border – in or out of the country. Other than marijuana, some states may also have a ban on certain types of paraphernalia, such as bongs and grinders. And even if they’re legal, you don’t want to risk running into a border control agent in a bad mood who decides that the 0.001g left stuck to the walls of your grinder is sufficient grounds to ruin your day. Just play it safe and don’t bring anything at all.

Don’t Go Out Looking for Dealers on the Street

The same rule applies once you’re over the border and into your target state. Sure, locals probably know where to get hooked up even if the state still prohibits it. But you’re not a local, and the risk attached to looking for weed on the streets is just too high to be worth it. It’s not just the law you have to worry about – unscrupulous dealers may have no qualms about ripping you off. What are you going to do, call the police? Many states with active tourism also have regular traps for people coming in from other places, and it can be very easy to fall into those.

Use the Opportunity to Unwind and Reset

In the end, is it really such a bad thing that you’re forced to stop smoking for a few days? Use this as a positive opportunity and take the chance to unwind a little bit. This can be especially beneficial if you’re a daily smoker. You may have forgotten how it feels to go about your daily life without smoking every few hours, and it can be a surprisingly refreshing feeling. And it will only get better once you’re back from your trip and smoke for the first time after that long pause. You’ll be back to the good old days where it took very little to get the maximum effect!

Don’t Bother People

If you’re in a state where marijuana is illegal, this usually means that a good portion of the population probably agrees with that situation. Don’t fall into the stereotype of the annoying pothead who can’t stop bothering people about the wonders of legalization. That’s one of the fastest ways to get on locals’ nerves, and to draw unnecessary attention. You’re here for another reason (hopefully), so don’t go on a crusade to spread the word about legalization. Nothing positive will come out of this.

Do Try and Change Some Minds When the Time Is Right

On the other hand, if you spot some opportunities to change some minds without bothering anyone, definitely consider taking part. Perhaps there’s a local rally getting organized, or you’ve heard of a gathering place where people can openly talk about their vision for the future without any judgment. Taking part in those activities is perfectly fine, and it’s actually encouraged if you have the time for it. The important thing is that you’re taking part in something that was already initiated by locals, not trying to force your views on people who aren’t interested in listening.

Accessories Might Still Be Legal

Don’t forget that certain accessories might still be legal, and this could be a good opportunity to buy a few “souvenirs” for home. Some places can offer you unique deals on high-end bongs, for example. Or you might come across special rolling papers that you can’t get anywhere else. The point is, just because cannabis itself is illegal doesn’t necessarily mean that everything else related to it is also out of the question. Just make sure to familiarize yourself with the local laws in this regard before setting out shopping to avoid running into any unpleasant surprises.

In the end, just enjoy your time! That’s the most important part of any trip after all, and this one should be no exception. And if it happens that you are not able to smoke at all for the whole duration, so be it – it’s not the end of the world.