
Rest & Relax by myco labs

(45 customer reviews)



Rest & Relax by myco labs Information

Rest & Relax by myco labs are part of an exclusive range of top-game psilocybin products coming from the myco labs brand. The team behind this primarily focuses on offering potency and effectiveness. Pound by pound, every gram of psilocybin in these capsules is pure-quality and fresh, with ample therapeutic and psychedelic effects. These are best used for microdosing and as supplements to enrich your intake of nutrients.

Rest & Relax capsules contain not just a complex psilocybin blend but also CBD isolate and organic Reishi. They’re vegan-friendly, GMO-free, and all-natural products made on our home turf, in Canada. One container holds 60 capsules/servings, and the dosage depends on your choice. You can pick the 50mg ones or the 200mg capsules. It’s all up to you! The latter will be more potent and veer off from the ideal of microdosing, though the effects are still subperceptual for the most part.

What are the effects of Rest & Relax by myco labs?

 When talking about Rest & Relax capsule, we’re talking about microdosing. Because such low doses of psilocybin can’t get you stoned in the traditional sense of the word. You’ll barely feel a thing, in fact. No, these capsules are supplements par excellence, meant to give you a boost when you need one. What kind of boost, you ask? Take your pick:

  • Enhanced creativity
  • Improved imagination and focus
  • Better divergent thinking
  • Enhanced energy levels
  • Less depressive predilections
  • More motivation
  • Better performance and work efficiency
  • Faster thinking times
  • Sharper intuition and deductive reasoning
  • Soothing relaxation and calmness

In other words, Rest & Relax capsules make you a better person, in more ways than one. They enhance your focus, make you happier, more performant, they improve your thinking speed, and make you less liable to become depressive, and so on. What’s not to like? Give these myco labs capsules a shot and you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

How’s the best way to consume them?

 Our recommendation is that you treat each individual capsule as one serving per one sitting. For the 50mg variant, one capsule contains 50mg of psilocybin, 10mg of CBD isolate, and 250mg of organic Reishi. The 200mg variant, on the other hand, contains 200mg of psilocybin, 40mg of CBD isolate, and 450mg of organic Reishi. That’s more than enough for one sitting, don’t you think so? You may take two servings at once, though, which may make the effects more potent.

However, you can increase your dosage for so long before it’s no longer about microdosing but about getting stoned with psilocybin. In order to receive the therapeutic and nootropic benefits of these Rest & Relax capsules, you need to follow the recommended dose and consume them orally. Otherwise, you may miss the intended effects and have a bad experience. That’s not what we want, so we recommend sticking to one capsule per sitting. Observe the effects and then increase the dose however you see fit! Though, when you start feeling the psychedelic effects, it means you’ve gone too far.

45 reviews for Rest & Relax by myco labs

  1. Guillaume

    What a great product! I truly recommend it. I feel more focus, less anxious and definitely more relaxed than before. I’ve been micro dosing for two weeks now and I already feel the positive effects in my life and I know it’s going to have great benefits on my health.
    It doesn’t leave an after taste or anything. I take one micro dose every two days with some water. I have not had any bad effects. I red a lot about micro dosing before using this product and I am very glad I made the decision to try it. Will order it again for sure.

  2. Mary


  3. Alicia

    Really great for anxiety – didn’t feel any psychoactive properties, just an overall easing of tension.

  4. Sean

    These are great caps, I can just barely feel them doing their job. If they were 100mg I’d give them a 5 star rating.

  5. Zoe

    I have been microdosing mycolabs capsules for almost a year now to help with OCD, anxiety

  6. John

    These, right here, allowed me to function at my best. Finally. I got a raise, made friends; more than my adhd meds ever did for me.

  7. joseph

    I recently tried microdose capsules of magic mushrooms, and the experience was nothing short of transformative. My decision to explore microdosing was fueled by a desire for mental clarity, enhanced creativity, and improved overall well-being. What drew me to these capsules was the precision of dosage they offered, ensuring a consistent and controlled experience.

    The effects were subtle yet profound. I found myself more focused, present, and appreciative of the world around me. Colors seemed brighter, and my creativity flowed more effortlessly. The microdose provided a gentle lift in mood without any overwhelming sensations, making it ideal for daily use. It acted as a mental enhancer, helping me tackle tasks with increased enthusiasm and creativity.

    The convenience of these capsules cannot be overstated. Each capsule contained a precise microdose, eliminating the need for measuring and ensuring a hassle-free experience. This made incorporating microdosing into my daily routine incredibly easy and accessible. I noticed a positive shift in my overall mood and productivity levels, and the capsules allowed me to achieve this without the peaks and valleys often associated with higher doses.

    For anyone considering microdosing magic mushrooms, these capsules are an excellent choice. They offer a gentle yet impactful way to explore the benefits of psychedelics without diving into intense experiences. The controlled dosage, convenience, and the subtle, positive effects make these capsules a valuable tool for personal growth and well-being. It has certainly been a game-changer in my routine, and I believe it could offer similar benefits to others seeking a balanced and manageable psychedelic experience.

  8. Tina

    I’m still relatively new to microdosing, and I’m so glad I found these caps. They leave me with a subtle sense of relaxation and well-being. My anxiety is soothed. My ptsd symptoms become far less distressing. You may have to play with dose a bit…I find 50mg is not quite enough, and 200mg is too much. 100mg is my sweet spot, once every three days. These are highly recommended!

  9. Sarah

    As a first time microdoser I was a bit sceptical about the effects this would have on my mood. I suffer from anxiety and ADHD and often find myself struggling with how to cope. I tried 200mg of the Rest and Relax as my first dose and absolutely loved it.
    I felt at ease and was able to enjoy some family time. Typical situations which would have caused me to feel spikes in my anxiety were totally fine.
    I purchased a few of the other strains and am looking forward to starting a protocol/schedule of on/off days. I have high hopes that this will be what helps me find balance and joy again ❤️

  10. Jacob

    I love all of the microdose options from Myco Labs!

  11. Lisa

    GAME CHANGER! After reading ALL reviews, I purchased Rest and Relax. Thanks to MMJ CUSTOMERS for their honest experiences. I purchased this as I was desperate to get back to where I was last Friday. I was in such desperate mental and physical health (awaiting surgery), thoughts were piling up making my pain intense. I found a bag of mushroom hot chocolate from a very old order from another company. I didn’t know how much or what I was taking until after. 1 gram blue meanie. Only used mushrooms to party in the past so didn’t think about controlling my own experience. After the most amazing 8 hour experience I jumped on MMJ to see what was in stock.
    I thought it would be best to start micro-dosing. Ordered the 50mg just to make sure. Was excited as I received this morning just before noon. I took .5 at 12:30 and another at 1:30. I’m just amazed at how this product pulled all the intrusive thoughts that were crashing back in to my brain out. I had been up all night and just needed a brain break.
    This will be replacing all my Rx’s that I have been reducing after more than 30 years of constant testing, changing, titrating and suffering with side effects.
    Writing this at 2:30 p.m. as my head is empty of any thoughts regarding external issues. This then lessens my physical pain. Anxiety disappeared. I find it remarkable.
    Can’t say enough about both MMJDIRECT and the products you have available on this site.
    Thanks also for the reviews on the chocolates, had to order a bunch for stocking up.

  12. Karen

    Great for night, rest up and enjoy!

  13. Melissa

    This is a game changer for me! I struggle with severe anxiety every day, all day about everything. Starting the first dose, I felt calm. I no longer cared about silly things. I was very calm and collected. It doesn’t make you high so don’t worry about that. I was concerned before I purchased but I can confidently say that’s not an issue. What are you waiting for? Buy them today!

  14. Lauren


  15. Treena

    Wow! These are so amazing! I have tried Brain Boost as well, and myco labs does not disappoint with their product! I have depression and these work great with my meds. I have better focus and am a lot more calm and happier on these. Will definitely be ordering more!

  16. Marc

    Excellent product, really does give you the relaxation and feeling uplifted!

  17. Adrien

    I’ve been buying direct from this site for a number of years and have never been disappointed. 100% recommend. Absolutely the best.

    My choice is always psilocybin, for mood and focus. The product from this company is always top notch and arrives super quick. Would happily share the site with anyone interested in a good quality product that is safe and secure.

  18. Jessie

    I’m so glad we decided to try microdosing. I’ve tried another brand for a short time and it really doesn’t compare. This one is superior! Capsules are easy to swallow and the effects are so pleasant. We purchased the 60x50mg as it’s our first time in a long time. We’re daily cannabis people but I’m loving the feeling this formula gives. We both feel less stressed, lighter mood, more patience with daily life in general. I’m… dare I say… happy?! Joyful!? It’s been a while since I’ve been anything but stressed. I’m very appreciative and we’ll be purchasing more!

  19. Linda

    I am coming off a SSRI and wasnt really given a exit plan. It was both me and not being able to see my doc til weeks after i was out. Anyhow i bought these to help with the coming off and i found that these are helping my mood the same as when i took my medication. Its helped my appetite, with the brain fog, and with my sleep. Im actually more productive as well. Its been a fantastic alternative with none of the side effects.

  20. Julie

    I’m new to the micro dosing and psilocybin trend
    My brain normally feels so on edge and feels very anxious about almost everything
    Ordered the Rest and Relax and I find that I can manage much better
    I feel much more in control and in a better frame of mind

  21. Elizabeth

    Great! Thanks.

  22. Cecilia

    I take this before bed occasionally when I need something to wind down brain activity. It helps me slow down and drift off to sleep. 😉

  23. Wendy

    I purchased the 50mg size, having had very good benefit (5⭐️) with Brain Boost (also 50mg). Definitely delivers as promised. Felt relaxed, content, but able to carry on ie not sedated and definitely not “high” and able to chill or do chores equally. Effect increased with a double dose (100mg) which was more of an “it’s been a long day” wind down in the evening. I am quite new to psilocybin (Brain Boost was the first experience) and relatively new to cannabis products. I’m in my mid-50s.

  24. Tess

    These pills are awesome. Highly recommend Myco labs products. Can tell a huge difference between the different offerings. These really relax you. As someone with chronic stress, these are a blessing. Have had amazing sleeps after taking these. OR just enjoyed a mellower day that what I am used to. The convenience of multiple mushroom offerings in one tab is so appreciated. Will buy again. If you were thinking about trying them, here is your confirmation to go ahead and do so. A super product.

  25. kyle

    great product.

  26. Rebecca

    I have PMDD and take these on the 2-3 worst days of it (around day 17-22 of my cycle). It really makes a difference with my mood, and beats taking extra mood meds. I find the dose good, at 200. The smaller doses don’t seem to do enough for me.
    I will keep refilling these whenever I run out.

  27. Stacey

    I bought it to help me relax

  28. Nan

    My sleep has improved dramatically.

  29. Priti

    My husband notices a difference in me in days I take a microdose. He says I’m more chill, calmer and even funnier ❤️

  30. Amjad

    An amazing product. My thoughts are a lot clearer. My productivity increased dramatically. My mood has improved in ways I have not believed. This is my third time getting these capsules and will for sure be getting more.

  31. Tess

    I have been taking these daily for about a month now (50mg capsules). I have noticed real changes in my mood and demeanour. By noon I can tell if I’ve forgotten to take them. They work really well.

    I find myself smiling more, and feeling relaxed and at ease. I’ve noticed more drive to start tasks and the momentum to finish them. I sleep better. I communicate better. I feel an overall calmness and a massive reduction in my anxious thoughts and feelings.

    I will be continuing to purchase and use this product daily!

  32. Craig

    This product has been a god send for my partner who suffers from terrible anxiety and ptsd. She takes this in the morning with her coffee and she is good to go for the day

  33. Kris

    So I originally ordered this hoping to use it as a semi-daily supplement to manage my triggers and anxiety. I have to say, it went beyond expectations. At first, I was worried that it would affect my performance at work, but honestly, it takes the edge off of my anxiety in a way that’s so natural that it leaves me feeling like I finally get what ‘normal’ is supposed to feel like. I’ve recommended it to others I know with similar issues and they all agree that it’s a literal ‘chill pill’ in that you won’t feel high but it will calm you down and aid you in having a relaxed and fun day, even at a stressful job, while still feeling sharp and clear-headed and no harmful side-effects! I will even go as far as saying that things that would have triggered me before don’t seem like a big deal now, it really works to keep you relaxed, and I’ve never slept so good either! Definitely recommend to anyone who just wants to chill out!

  34. Francisca

    3 months ago I decided to leave my SSRI and start trying mushrooms. I wanted to clean myself from the farmaceutical drugs.

    I started my process with lots of anger, anxiety and depression crisis, this product is been working its way up to the point that I can have a normal life again, crisis are almost gone and when they come I’m able to control them soooo much better!

    Now after 3 months I can say I was successful and I won’t go back ever again!

  35. Samuel

    Actually I couldn’t really feel the effect because im on SSRI’s so I would give it a 4 since my friend is trying it and it works for him!

  36. Judd

    My overactive mind and with a heavy workload, I often have trouble clearing my thoughts and staying asleep throughout the night. I got the 200mg and once it kicks in it does help reduce my stress/anxiety and slow down my thoughts before sleep. My sleep has improved, I wake up less during the night and wake up a little more refreshed in the morning.

  37. Nasim

    Tried this and the brain boost. The name says it all. Shared with friends so they can try and they all loved it. I got the 200mg dose.

  38. Sacha

    This product is amazing!
    I have suffered from chronic anxiety and depression for a long time, my dosage for me is 50 mg and I feel revived, happy, calm, soothed 🙂 Thank you very much 💖💛🍄

  39. Ben

    Rest and relax is absolutely capable of making your feel rested and relaxed. I use other things to help me relax but this does a good job. You can take it before bed to help you sleep. No psychedelic effects at all. It makes me sleepy and if I’m super stressed it will bring me down to reality but I wouldn’t take it during the day because I’d be sleepy. Evenings are fine. Also used it with CBD and that was pleasant.
    One last point is that after I take it before sleep, I wake up feeling rested. It is actually good at restoring my health.

  40. Karl

    i am using it for my anxiety 2-3 caps per week and i’m at 3rd week now and i have notice a drop in my anxiety , no side effect to report yet .

  41. Josiah

    These are perfect, and helped my friends with anxiety, and a whole bunch of other issues, just a general over all, improved mood. They are extremely healthy, no risk, and almost cost effective, but if you want to fully trip you need to buy chocolates or dried mushrooms! Thanks again MMJ

  42. Tristan

    Honestly, this stuff is great. I’ve been having trouble staying happy throughout the day and this stuff helps me keep negative thoughts out of my mind. I wold recommend taking 4 days on and 3 days rest, but you’ll find out what works for ya!

  43. Darren

    My wife suffers from fibromyalgia and has constantly been looking for a product that will relax her mind and allow her to receive a deep sleep. Since sleep is what rejuvenates the body this is essential. This product does just that. She is sleeping throughout the night now.

  44. Ray

    I don’t give 5 stars easily…I was a bit sceptical that this reishi/cbd mix wouldn’t be stimulating, but I was pleasantly surprised.

    I am a long time micro-doser of psilocybin lion’s mane, and wouldn’t dare take that in the evening if I want to sleep.

    This Rest and Relax formula really is a Chill Pill (minus sedation). I tested it in the afternoon and I have no worries about using it in mid-evening.

    The sale price was reasonable, and I don’t have to weigh 40mg cbd isolate or spend an hour grinding and capping reishi 🙂

    Advice if you are on antidepressants! Do your research, talk to your pharmacist because some combinations won’t be safe. If you are on SSRI and decide micro-dose, wait at least an hour after your meds, and you might find that 100-200mg is more effective. Low and Slow to start, right?

    I will definitely buy again 🙂

  45. Ty

    Amazing product! My girlfriend and I have horrible anxiety and she also has problems with ptsd and depression, these microdose capsules have a noticeable great effect on our mood and overall night 🥰

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