Cannabis for Nerve Damage

Best Medical Marijuana Strains for Nerve Damage & Neuropathy

As research into cannabis increases, we’re learning more about the medical benefits and positive side-effects it can provide. Medical marijuana is now being taken more seriously for a number of severe conditions like nerve damage and neuropathy. Neuropathic pain and damage to the nerves are caused by a wide range of common disorders or occurrences.

Like diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), shingles, or any injury sustained to the spinal cord or brain. So how does medical marijuana for neuropathy work internally? And, what are the best strains for nerve damage? We’ll answer those questions and more in this guide to medical marijuana and neuropathic pain.

What is neuropathy?

Marijuana for Neuropathy

If you’ve been diagnosed with neuropathic pain, then you know how bad neuropathy can get. Or, if you’re experiencing chronic pain that over-the-counter medicines aren’t able to address…you may be suffering from neuropathic pain, without even knowing it yet.

That’s because neuropathic pain or ‘neuropathy’ is a specific type of chronic pain that is a result of damage to the nervous system. There are also two separate types of neuropathic pain to be aware of. Peripheral neuropathy is caused by damage to peripheral nerves, found in your legs, arms, or feet. This type of neuropathy can be caused by conditions like shingles, or diabetes. Central neuropathic pain is the second type and is caused by direct damage to the brain or spinal cord.

The difference between chronic pain and neuropathic pain is its inability to be treated. Even with prescription-strength medications. In the case of opioids, the pain can often lead to addiction due to its resistance to being relieved.

Currently, the Canadian Health Care system is investigating anticonvulsant and antidepressant type drugs to help combat neuropathic pain as an alternative to opioids. What does this have to do in common with medical marijuana? Medical marijuana is also anticonvulsant, with an FDA approved prescription Epidolex approved for the treatment of epilepsy. In addition, research is showing that medical marijuana is antidepressant in nature, too.

Which leads us to the increasing research into cannabis being an effective aid to neuropathy related conditions, and pain. Let’s explore the early studies into how medical marijuana for nerve damage is gaining credibility.

Medical marijuana for nerve damage

Marijuana consists of a number of cannabinoids, like THC and CBD that interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system to enact their effects. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for sending messages throughout the body and to other important systems. Like the central nervous system, which is the source of neuropathic pain.

This information will help to understand how exactly medical marijuana for nerve damage or neuropathy can be helpful. THC and CBD binds directly to receptors responsible for regulating pain. By binding to these receptors, the signal of ‘feeling pain’ is inhibited and prevented from reaching the brain.

There are a number of published studies that have explored the relationship between cannabis and pain receptors that show promise for relief and treatment. In fact, much research is proving that medical marijuana is neuroprotective, neuroregenerative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving) naturally.

One of these studies was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in 2010, and directly addressed inhaling or smoking medical marijuana as the treatment. During the research, participants inhaled a 25-mg dose three times a day, for the first five days. Followed by a nine-day period of abstinence or what’s called a ‘washout period’. The results concluded that intense pain was reduced for those who were studied, and they reported improved sleep quality as well.

So when smoking as your medicine, what is the best strain for neuropathy results? We’ll cover the Top 5 strains for nerve damage and pain, next.

Best strains for neuropathy

Best Weed for Neuropathy

The strains that are found best for neuropathic pain have a few traits in common. Most are hybrids that provide anti-inflammatory effects for additional neuropathy pain relief. The potency is also key as most recommended strains are packing a punch in THC percentages. Without further ado, here are the top 5 best strains for neuropathy.

Super Silver Haze

Super Silver Haze is a Sativa dominant hybrid that delivers a high energy buzz. What helps knock out pain, is the strain’s THC levels that reach a potent 25%+. In addition, Super Silver Haze is known for a long-lasting high which is pertinent for those experiencing chronic and relentless neuropathic pain.

Jack Herer

A legend in cannabis genetics, Jack Herer is a Sativa strain that is well known for relieving pain. With moderate levels of THC between 15-23%, the strain is commonly prescribed by medical marijuana doctors. Users note Jack Herer’s ability to effectively relieve joint pain, muscle cramps and tension, and pain found in the back, legs and feet.

God’s Green Crack

An equal 50/50 hybrid of Indica and Sativa effects, gives you an equal balance of ideal effects with God’s Green Crack. Packing a punch of nearly 25% of THC allows the strain to provide ideal neuropathic relief. God’s Green Crack relieves pain without being sedating, which makes it ideal for daytime use.


A powerful Indica dominant hybrid, Headband is aptly named for its cerebral and ‘heady’ effects. This leads to its ability to relieve pain by affecting receptors directly and delivering a body buzz to match. THC levels for the strain reach a whopping 24% which only adds to its potently relaxing effects.

Cannabis for neuropathy

Through consumer reviews, published studies and a growing number of users in Canada and across the globe…cannabis for neuropathy is proving to be an effective aid for relief. As one of the most resilient conditions for treatment, medical marijuana for neuropathy is providing an alternative relief that was once banned altogether.

As the stigma for cannabis continues to lift, more research into the subject will compile. Stay tuned, and in the meantime consult with your doctor on the use of medical marijuana in your pain relief regimen. And when you’re looking for meds, look no further than the convenience and quality of